Alpharetta Wellness Clinic
Prevention is Our Passion​

We are dedicated to your well-being
We Listen
We Listen
We believe our purpose is to honor our Creator and to provide health services with the utmost integrity. We believe you are the most important member of the health team, so we are dedicated to empowering you to choose natural health care.
We Care
We Care
Our staff is committed to your well-being. We are committed to providing affordable preventative health care. No insurance? No problem.
We Get Results
We Get Results
We practice holistic, integrative, functional medicine, which means that we treat the whole individual: body, mind and spirit. We believe the best approach to medicine is proactive prevention.
Why Choose - Alpharetta Wellness Clinic?​
Why Choose - Alpharetta Wellness Clinic?​
​We bring together the best that conventional and integrative medicine have to offer.